Wednesday, September 23, 2009

School Small Talk

Charles, the English Teacher Ambassador of School Advisers is the master of small talk.He tries his tricks on students that come to see him for schedule adjustment after vacation.
He looks me in the eye but he seems disturbed by the object in my hands:
" What book is that?" he starts his "talk" show.
I show him the cover, he tries to read.
" Dostoievski!" he whispers in perfect astonishment."You read Dostoievski in English?!? he asks and his British poisoned voice raises in some sort of disapproval. " I didn't read Dostoievski, always planned to start of course but never got to it..."
"Ok, let me see what classes are available for you" he continues visibly disturbed by the defeat his troops suffered on my territory. "I was planning to put you in Creative Writing, but not this time. What about some Grammar classes?"he asks enjoying every little sound of the G word knowing that my troops got stuck with "If clauses" instead of answering "What If " essay questions.
"And I thought I was insecure"I couldn't help but whisper."About Grammar!"I added for damage control when he looked at me and I felt that worse than Grammar is only 18 weeks of Grammar, the triple lethal dose prescribed for hopeless cases that dare to read books advisers didn't get to.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Movies in my head

Yes, Dear Mr. young over-fitted Abercrombie model wearing over- elaborated jeans almost glamorous in their casualness, we know you might be thinking in your presumable over the board childish-over-complex mind that your fine innocent looks will sell the organic pecans you're trying to sell.
Oh no, my dear, you're wrong, I'll come closer only to taste the organic taste of your perfume...and maybe a pecan, it's organic! It tastes bitter but I'll find a way to forgive you because you're young and still from the Country of Bliss and you don't know the knowings that I know...
Later on, when you'll own an empire, in a seminar about Sales Techniques, when asked about your beginnings, you'll smile and wonder why your first pitches brought you nowhere although your looks were highly articulate.The audience will laugh. You'll go on telling them about a sad woman (yes, you'll say I was sad, of that I'm sure) with a pessimistic eastern accent that you will try to imitate. The audience will laugh again.
You'll think you still got it. That charisma of your first pitch.
My son will be in the audience, worshiping you, dreaming about pecans.He will make plans and give them names and cut their wings with his fears. He'd had been taught that life is hard and risk is risky.
He'll be tormented with the same disease you've infected me with just now. With that dream we know it's a dream with no wings to fly...
You'll be still young and still from the Country of Bliss...